
An integrative approach to ransomware

“I am convinced that there are only two types of companies: those who have been hacked, and those who don’t yet know they have been hacked.”

John Chambers, former CEO of Cisco

We are living in an increasingly technologized landscape: from ‘smart’ cars to ‘smart’ buildings, even including ‘smart’ fridges. This brings not only convenience with it, but also risks. Recently, we’ve seen a decrease in the amount of ransomware attacks. Don’t be fooled however: ransomware is definitely not passé. Despite a reduction in the number of attacks, we can see a trend of attacks becoming highly-targeted and more sophisticated instead

This white paper is aimed at providing workable insights into ransomware attacks, including attack vectors, as well as proposing a threefold approach for organizations to defend themselves against these attacks and limit their damage.

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