If a calamity or incident has occurred in healthcare, it is extremely important that the organisation investigates the cause of the incident as swiftly as possible. After all, as a healthcare organisation, you are dedicated to safe and high-quality care for your patients or clients. Now, by no means is every calamity or incident in healthcare the result of wilful misconduct by your employee(s). In such cases, a fraud investigation would generally not be the right course of action. Instead, a PRISMA investigation can be an effective method for investigating the incident or calamity.

Contact our PRISMA specialists

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PRISMA investigations in healthcare

The Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (WKKGZ) requires you to investigate incidents or calamities in certain instances. The Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ) may also order such an investigation. The PRISMA method meets the IGJ’s requirements.

PRISMA stands for: Prevention Recovery Information System for Monitoring and Analysis

The PRISMA method allows you to visualise the occurrence of a calamity or incident in healthcare, thereby enabling you to take measures to improve processes. By doing so, you reduce the likelihood of future incidents as much as possible.

Example of a PRISMA investigation

An audit within an organisation revealed that the storage, registration and dispensation of medication was not working properly in certain departments. This audit was instituted after an incident, in which it was discovered by chance that a patient had nearly been administered the wrong medication. Fortunately, timely intervention was possible. For you, there would be every reason to investigate and learn from this.

Our approach to PRISMA investigations

Following a detailed intake interview, we draw up a plan of action based on the case. PRISMA investigations are often carried out by several ‘investigators’. Hoffmann can provide this investigation team, but it may be more appropriate for our investigator to carry out the PRISMA investigation WITH one or more employees from the organisation. 

Our researchers are familiar with the PRISMA method and know how to conduct such investigations diligently but efficiently. During the investigation, the information available is analysed and informative interviews are held with employees, obviously in a respectful manner. 

The ultimate objective is to clarify what went wrong, whether measures were taken in the wake of the incident and, if so, whether those measures were the appropriate ones. Upon completion of the PRISMA investigation, you receive a report with recommendations. If required, we will present and discuss the outcome with you and/or the employees concerned.

Would you like additional information on the PRISMA method?

Do you have questions about PRISMA investigations?
If so, please do not hesitate to contact us without further obligation.


Our specialists would be pleased to assist you.



Or contact one of our consultants directly.

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