Despite the widespread and increasing incidence of fraud in companies' digital records, we also still see companies falling prey to corporate espionage involving the installation of electronic eavesdropping devices, colloquially known as bugs, such as when confidential business information is leaked. Sometimes their own employees are guilty of this, but more often than not, competitors are involved.

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Listening and other types of espionage devices

Listening and other types of espionage devices are relatively easy to obtain these days. Moreover, the materials are becoming increasingly compact and sophisticated, making them more difficult to detect. As a result, the use of these professional eavesdropping devices has surged again recently.

Eavesdropping devices are generally placed in company spaces where strategic decisions are made during executive meetings. But sometimes they are also placed in home offices or company vehicles.

Our approach: detecting listening devices through a TSCM Sweep

TSCM stands for Technical Surveillance Countermeasures. During a so-called TSCM sweep, we perform a thorough visual inspection as well as several readings using equipment specially designed for this purpose. We do this in the most high-risk areas such as the meeting spaces and management offices of your business premises, but also in company vehicles or home office locations.

You will then receive a professional and clear report from us. If we do indeed discover listening devices, we will also advise you on any follow-up steps to be taken.

Would you like additional information on TSCM sweep?

We would be happy to advise you on performing a TSCM sweep. Do you suspect that eavesdropping equipment has been placed in your premises? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please be sure to do so from a location where you suspect you are not being monitored.


Our specialists are ready to help you. 


Or feel free to contact one of our consultants directly.

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