Ensure employees demonstrate integrity with pre-employment screening and post-employment screening.
As an employer, you want to select employees who demonstrate integrity and trustworthiness, especially if they are required to work with sensitive information or systems. But how do you assess (potential) employees for trustworthiness? Choose staff with integrity. Rule out unnecessary risks inherent to certain positions by conducting a background check, or pre- and post-employment screening (also known as in-employment screening).
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Our screening indicaties that in 35% of the cases, there is a point of attention that may involve increased risk.”
Background checks prevent internal fraud
At Hoffmann, we deal with out-of-control fraud cases and data breaches on a daily basis. Virtually every instance involves an internal employee in the leading role. Among others, those employees with access to the organisation’s ‘crown jewels’ because of their position pose a potential business risk. And while integrity is a core quality for fulfilling these positions, it is still too rarely assessed in the application process. The consequences of this can be devastating. Including a background check as part of the application process can prevent a host of problems.
Background checks and personnel screening
Hoffmann has developed an extremely diligent screening process which optimally examines a candidate’s integrity risks for a particular position while safeguarding the candidate’s right to privacy. Hoffmann’s screening is used especially for higher-risk positions that involve a great deal of independent work and less supervision, for example. Screening personnel helps reduce the risks inherent to the role. For certain positions, screening is even required by law.
- By making pre-employment screening part of your selection process, you can mitigate the risks associated with specific positions.
- Post-employment screening helps you to remain engaged with your employees. It helps you to keep your finger on the pulse and to identify and anticipate potential risks.
Would you like to know more about background checks?
Would you like to know more about how background checks can benefit your organisation?
Our specialists would be pleased to exchange thoughts with you.
Or contact one of our consultants directly.
Our approach to screening
At Hoffmann, we first sit down and talk with you in detail to help you better understand your organisation’s risks. In doing so, we look beyond the position itself—we look at the total spectrum of risks within your organisation. For higher-risk positions within your organisation, we can conduct substantive screening based on the specific job risks. This screening goes beyond the CV or mere data analysis. Our substantive screening always consists of a personal interview with the candidate and their references. Hoffmann determines what elements to include in the screening on the basis of a risk analysis.
Privacy legislation
When conducting background screening, it is vital to strike the right balance between the privacy interests of the candidate or employee and the risks to be managed. In this respect, the nature, content and scope of the screening should be tailored to the intended risk reduction. Substantive screening is always bespoke. Hoffmann complies with legislation and, together with you, ensures that a proper analysis takes place regarding legitimate interest prior to carrying out the screening.
HR: checking applicants for trustworthiness
As an HR manager, you know how complicated it can be to fill certain types of vacancies. How do you ensure that pre-employment screening does not hinder your search? Read the 3 pieces of advice for HR.
Do you need a screening policy?
A Hoffmann background check can be used for job applicants (pre-employment screening) as well as for existing staff (post-employment, or in-employment, screening). To conduct post-employment screening, you must have a formal screening policy. Do you not yet have one? Then Hoffmann would also be pleased to help you establish and develop one. In our white paper ‘Five steps to an effective screening policy’, we explain how it works.

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