Everyone knows Murphy’s law: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong’—and its corollary: at the worst possible time. This law often holds true when a crisis occurs in an organisation. It is at such times that swift action and clear communication based on a crisis communication plan are essential. 

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In the absence of a crisis management plan and a well-trained crisis response team, however, chaos generally ensues, with all the associated risks. Unfortunately, many organisations are unaware of the impact of those risks until they actually face a crisis situation. It is therefore vital that organisations have both a crisis communication plan and a well-trained crisis response team that takes appropriate steps at the right time.

Our approach to crisis management plans

Support and commitment from management is a prerequisite for a crisis management plan. The purpose of such a plan is to raise awareness regarding potential crisis scenarios and the actions required to best protect the continuity of the organisation’s day-to-day operations. 

To this end, Hoffmann’s specialists draw up a concise and robust foundational plan. This plan addresses: 

  • threat scenarios and the levels of a crisis: low, medium or high, each with a different alert level
  • the alert procedure
  • the composition of the crisis team(s)
  • facility matters (location of the crisis room, supplies, etc.)

The various risk scenarios are then detailed in annexes, with each annex containing a plan of action for each scenario. As such, the annexes form part of the foundational plan that establishes the crisis management structure.

Crisis team and crisis communication training

Having a crisis management plan is the first step. But the only way a crisis management plan will work is if the various scenarios are also drilled so that crisis teams know exactly what is expected of them at the moment a crisis situation actually occurs. ‘Train as you fight’ is a common military saying when it comes to training and simulations. It sounds intense, yet it is the only way to prepare teams for stressful situations. Our training focuses on practising the crisis management process, on the dynamics within the team, and on the crisis communication that accompanies it. This is always a tailor-made approach that suits the needs and, above all, the experience of the crisis team. For example, the training can be a short tabletop exercise, mainly testing processes and decision-making. But an extensive exercise with full-scenario training—including actors and even a television crew—is also possible.

Crisis communication

In addition, Hoffmann offers crisis communication training. What information do you share with journalists? How do you deal with social media? How do you communicate effectively within the organisation? What message do you communicate to suppliers and customers? In short, what do you say and what do you not say in order to stay in control of your own communication?

Would you like to additional information on crisis management and crisis communication?

Do you have questions? Or would you like further information on how a crisis management plan and/or training could support your organisation? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us without further obligation.


Our specialists are ready to help you.



Or feel free to contact one of our consultants directly.

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